Your average Canadian, who loves hot tea, hates socks and helping your business have a show-stopping brand and website
About Maggie
Look I know there are a lot of website platforms out there. And I used to be willing to design on several of them. But then one day, I heard about this new platform, Showit. And I wanted to give it a try.
And not to be dramatic—yet I really am—Showit CHANGED MY LIFE.
I knew I needed it to be my website host. So I started to plan out how to migrate my website to Showit.
Web hosts are companies that let you build and house your website. You’ve likely heard of some, Squarespace, Wix, WordPress.
What is the benefit to moving to a new host? There can be several reasons one would want to move hosts.
Those are just a few reasons you might switch.
Let me spill the tea for you. ☕
Showit is an amazing drag and drop web host. I think it’s an amazing platform that provides beautifully branded websites without knowing HTML code. Friends!! That’s HUGE!!!
So often you see these beautifully branded websites that have been coded. So a designer goes in and adjusts all the <h1> </h1> <p> </p> <br> </br>. (See I do know some things).
But when the designer leaves the project, and you—the new owner of a lovely site—are stuck with the decision of do I edit this myself and learn code? Or hire back the editor and pay them to update monthly?
So, one of the main reasons I chose to work with it was—empowering my clients.
Yes, I chose Showit so that once I “hand the keys” over to my client at the end of their custom web design, they can feel empowered to edit, update and tweak their website on their time.
I don’t want to put ANOTHER thing on the already busy solopreneur’s plate. Like learning HTML code.
And with Showit, I want my clients to be able to
Now, now, I’m not trying to harp on the other web hosts. I know that there is a purpose for all of them. But I think it’s beneficial to learn the drawbacks of some of the popular ones to make the best-informed decision.
When you’re looking to change up your website, I think it’s great to look at these things and find the best host for you and your business needs.
There are some great benefits to Showit too
If you are looking for a website refresh or having a custom one built, I’d love to connect. I have several spots available this year!
What’s stopping you from up-leveling your website? 👇🏻